Catedral ao anoitecer

Cathedral at nightfall.

Work is coming thick and fast so it occupied much of the day. In the afternoon we escaped for a walk and met up with Heejoo, an alumnus from Cambridge who's now heading to Malawi for a few months' work. We discussed her thesis project in a remote western part of Zambia, which could be of interest to us for future project development. I've always looked at maps of that western bulbous part of Zambia and felt enticed by it. Perhaps when I can speak Portuguese we can create an awesome Angola-Zambia transboundary project working with both people and wildlife.

After treating ourselves to pastel de nata with Heejoo, we strolled this central area of the city, which felt bizarrely quiet for a capital at the weekend, when it should be thronged.

The highlight of the day was making guacamole from Mozambique's gigantic creamy avocados. A delicious snack to break up the slog of working through the weekend.

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