Squirrel Blip Friday .....

After yesterday's 8 inch snowfall I was bound and determined to get another snow squirrel photo!

And they made it easy for me as they eagerly came out for the peanuts!

I had planned on going back to the library this morning but when I called I found out that they were closed today because of the snow.  I guess we will have to go tomorrow!  Last week when I was there I had requested a DVD (War Horse) that they didn't have and needed to get from another branch. I had received a notice that the DVD was available and I only have 4 days to pick it up!  The weather this week is making it hard for me to get to the library in time!  But I believe that they are extending all the deadlines because of the weather so I'm not too worried. 

After spending most of the day at home we did manage to get out for supper at a local Italian restaurant!  YUM!

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