
By schorschi

Vet Visit

Woke up at 4:00am and thought I would let Luna out in case she needed to p**. Then saw the ground & trees were white. Luna saw it too & started barking (which she very rarely does). She couldn't work out what had happened & she certainly wasn't going to walk on it. So back to bed. Angie later walked the dogs and of course she loved the snow just as Flash does - his favourite time of year. Snowed all day, at a guess around 20cm.
This evening I took Luna to the Vet for her last vaccination. Flash came along to give her security. All went well & Mrs Dr Luhmann was very happy with her condition.
We then went for another walk on a hill above Ottobeuren, Luna in particularly could only move forward by jumping so we didn't need to go far to make her tired. Snow pictures would have been nicer but it was quite dark and no doubt there will be more opportunities in the days to come. The vet visit was hopefully a seldom event & needed to be recorded.
PS the white spota re snow flakes reflected in the flash.

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