Happy birthday Granddad!!

Today is my Father-in-Law's 94th birthday and he is talking to our daughter on my phone. We had hoped to be able to FaceTime using the iPads, but there is no service at the residential home he lives in. He looks very serious, but was discussing all sorts of issues with her.

He says he is keeping fine, just wishes that he could stand up without falling over!!!

It has been a good day. We had a trouble free journey to Worcestershire. Saw evidence of the considerable amount of rain fall in the Midlands with many flooded fields.

Collected two cakes from our normal lunch stop on the outskirts of Kettering. One was dropped off at the offices of my ex-employers for the office staff to enjoy. Told them that it was calorie free, so enjoy!!

The second cake was for Dad. He enjoyed a small piece and was saving some space for the cake that the staff at the home has made for him. We were able to share the good news that his old home has been sold, so some money in the kitty to pay the residential home bills!!!

I had a positive bit of news. I'm working on a project and the office staff have agreed that we can post complete research papers in a directory on line, rather than share references and each one of us go hunting for it. Anything that makes life easier is good in my book!!!

Now over to Worcester to stay with D & D-J for the weekend. Dinner and discussion about plans for tomorrow!!!!

PS for R. Didn't crop the bit of fudge box, just to show that he got them and said they "looked good"!!

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