Listening to the Heart?

I am staying in a Carmelite Priory near Oxford participating in a course on using arts in medical education. All interesting and some stimulating conversations with people.

One presentation this afternoon was of a project with medical students allowing them to present their experiences of patients stories as art. Some of their work really wowed me. The depth of connection, expression and self discovery was remarkable (as was some of their technical ability). Would never have been allowed in my day, I have been left to work all that out myself. I sense for them though things are more challenging and complex in terms of the work contexts they will find themselves in. When i need to, I want to be looked after by technically competent doctors who know their stuff, but who also appreciate that knowing me is important too.

I took a photo of one of the paintings.

Something about the doctor listening to hearts all day, but not hearing the heart. It reminds me that the best doctors do both excellently

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