My imagination or ...

Today's weather was a succession of clouds and sunny spells with some rain thrown in for good measure. Several things needed doing before I could leave the house and I only just made it to the park in time for my walk with one of the dogs from the sanctuary. I took a few photos with the compact camera during the walk but not one of them was good enough to blip so the only thing I can offer today is this shot of a candle in a jar. As it burned some of the wax remained stuck to the glass and created patterns. It may just be my imagination but I can see some people and a few animals in the bottom layer.

I should be working on something right now but I feel too tired to concentrate on it. As I don't want to make any mistakes, I'm going to leave it until tomorrow when I'll hopefully have a clearer mind. Instead I'll make an attempt to catch up on commenting and replying to comments when I get back upstairs after I've put rabbit Rosie to bed. That's if I don't fall asleep on the sofa first.

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