One last glimpse

Like yesterday we had some sun before I left the house but the moment I arrived at the park it started to rain and I could only take a few photos before the rain became too heavy and I had to put the camera away.

The rain stopped just before I reached the sanctuary and the sun made a few more very brief appearances just after I started my walk with their female Rottweiler. By the time we reached the outside of the park though some very dark clouds had started to gather overhead and we caught one last glimpse of blue sky before it disappeared altogether. Fortunately I always carry the compact camera in my pocket when I'm walking a dog and I managed to capture that moment before it clouded over completely. Thankfully it stayed dry the rest of our walk and it even got a little brighter again towards the end of it but it didn't really get light again.

I chose this shot for today's blip because I wasn't too happy with any of the others I'd taken earlier.

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