Bower Birds at the Bowls

It's not very often that we have the Bower Birds visit us and this time there were three of them having a whale of a time down on the lower table.  

One of the members of our photography group put forward a suggestion that we could choose a topic concentrate on for a 12 month period.  During that time we would take literally thousands of photographs of that topic and at the end of the year be able to produce approximately 20 to 24 of the absolute pick of the crop.  CCN and I really warmed to this suggestion and we decided that our topic would be - "The Wombat Hollow Watering Hole".  Over the next twelve months we will make a concentrated effort to document the bird life that we experience every day and all the time trying to improve our technique and skills in this particular area of photography.  One of our friends sent this wonderful image of a bird hide that I think would be an absolute winner for us.  It would allow us to be very close to the water bowls instead of often taking images like the one above from 50 metres away and through a glass window.

These days we tend to spend a lot more time at Wombat Hollow and this would give us a wonderful focus while we're biding our time here.  

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