Orchid (Day 1295)

It was chilly, a little damp and fairly breezy for the morning woofer wander today. 
Afterwards, I spent a while clearing out the back of the van in readiness for collecting a load of stuff for tomorrow's job. With the van cleared, I headed to town to pick up sheets of wet wall and a shower enclosure.
I arrived back at home to lunch waiting for me and my beautiful wife keen to take me and the dogs out hossing.
It seemed that the horses were keen to get out too, and they were really easy to catch. I made a reasonable attempt at getting Billy saddled up and we were soon off for a ride round the shore. 
Billy seemed a lot keener to get going than normal, until we had to cross a burn. He totally refused and I had to get off and let HV drag him across the water. Back on board he wasn't paying much attention to me or what I wanted him to do. There was a bit of a scary moment as he charged up behind HV and her horse lashed out with a back foot, narrowly missing me. A bit further on, Billy took off and I really struggled to get him to stop before he crashed into HV again. As a bit of a novice rider, and one who can't afford to get hurt falling off, I was a bit apprehensive of going much further and we returned to the yard. It is disappointing, but I know that it is just one of those things. Billy has gone from a horse who I struggled to keep moving to one who is keen to get going, and today he seemed to have his extra speedy feet on. I'll maybe get another shot at the weekend, and hopefully Billy will have calmed down by then. 
Later on, after HV trundled off to work I spent a while sorting out some estimates for a couple of jobs and a bit of paperwork. 
I had hoped to get another hossing blip today, but I was a bit too busy trying to hang on to take pics, so I thought a shot of an orchid would do. 

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