On tow ....

Cold, damp and miserable . And that was just me. One off sick , the other only here till lunch time. So didn’t get the planned jobs done.
Mr Moffat and crew finishing off the last load of gravel on the drive way. They managed to get away with using 60 tons instead of 80 so that will help the cost a wee bit !
Nipped down to the village soup lunch , but only had time for two helpings as had to run this Land Rover down to my mechanic pal afterwards. It didn’t rumble about as much as a trailer load of cattle any way.
On the way back up the road , stopped off at Lauder to have a look at what’s for sale at tomorrow’s farm sale. A well know local farmer/contractor is retiring and selling off his machinery. Counted 8 combines and about a dozen tractors to name but a few of the items. Hope it is a bit less wet for the sale than today !

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