
By biddy

"Elvis has left the building!"

Ok, not strictly correct, but I felt as though I had been released from my (necessary) incarceration this morning!
  I felt recovered enough to wrap up well and take a trip into our local town, Sutton Coldfield.
Normally a 25 minute walk from here. I went on the local train, (we are 5 minutes from the station) having decided discretion was the better part of valour, or as my mother used to say, " Don't spoil the ship, for a hap' penny worth of tar". 
        Her meaning being take it slowly until things are really back to normal.
I just looked up the phrase as it struck me I hadn't a clue where it came from. 
Apparently it referred to a time when shepherds used to put tar on their sheep's wounds and sores to protect them from flies and it would be foolish to risk the sheep's health in order to save a small amount of money. 
   No idea why sheep was morphed into "ship's" but I can see the tenuous connection. 
 I was going to take my pair of leather ankle boots to be repaired. There used to be a shop in our neighbourhood small centre, but it closed. 
It takes an hour for them to be heeled (and resoled) if needed. That meant I had the time to fill. 
I needed a coffee, as my energy comes and goes yet. But it was so good to be outside. I sat in one the (many) coffee shops in a comfy armchair and had a gingerbread latte and read the Times on my phone. 
I did a bit of shopping before collecting the mended boots, and came home on the bus. 
I love the bus! It's great being so near handy transport links as it is so much better than taking the car and finding somewhere to park. Plus there is the added advantage of the Concessionary travel pass. I can travel free on the bus and train inside the West Midlands boundary. 
  There was a seasonal outdoor market, with independent traders, taking place. It looked colourful and busy in the gloom of the day. 
I took a photo on my phone. 
   Once I was home hubby decided he would take me to the local pub for lunch. It was such a treat. 
When we arrived home once more, I had done enough for the day, so now am sitting here, (it is dark outside, from 4.00 pm today) in the cosiness. 
Thankyou to those of you who have commented on my blips. 
    I think  "ELvis" may be able to leave the building once more tomorrow!
Extra of the cosy glow. 

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