A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

I Must Down To The Seas Again

Just five minutes stroll from the school is the beach. So I wandered down just now in my lunch break.

It has been a bit cloudy today, but now the sun has emerged again and the need for a jacket has passed until evening.

The light is particularly fine this time of year. Very clear and bright. Great for photographing.

It's pay day today and so I feel flush for the first time in ages. To celebrate I am taking myself off for some dins and then to take in Skyfall (in English!) at the cinema in Fuengirola.

Then tomorrow I'm taking Mum into Puerto Banus to run some errands and on the way back I hope to purchase a TV.

Next stop Sky HD!

Off to the pool-side bar soon. Just the Lower Sixth to whip into a frenzy first!

I wish you all a happy weekend.

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