
By Madchickenwoman

Frosty Start

A lovely frosty start to the day - I do like frost, the nearest we get to snow in calstock most years! If you look to the bottom left you can see the coop run glowing in the sun and at the base of the pole my brassica pushing up the Heath Robinson net cage! I actually have brussle sprouts forming so the frost should hopefully make them sweet for Christmas! Apparently they produce a type of antifreeze to stop the leaves from getting frost damage - the side effect being sweet tasting leaves! 
I'm sorry I'm being useless at commenting and responding - I'm battling high anxiety and panic attacks once more. I even find sitting at the computer stressful and can just about manage to post my blip -which is why I am so behind in my own blips. I  can't cope with seeing people again, which makes walking Oscar a bit of a trial as people keep stopping me to say how gorgeous he looks and to ask what breed he is! I'm trying to find walks where I won't bump into people! I will pull through this again - I did it before so I'm reassuring myself daily that this is just a process to go through again - but is is very stressful and tiring. I have thought  of turning off comments so that I don't feel guilty at not responding, but it feels like I would be withdrawing even further from social contact - but if the anxiety about not looking at your Journals and keeping up with your lives becomes overwhelming I may do so. Hopefully better days are on their way!

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