Still (Day 1299)

Today has been another still day. Generally we have a bit of a breeze blowing most of the time. Folks who are not used to it would say it is windy. It seems such a constant, that the days when there is no wind seem a little strange.
From the hill this morning as we wandered the woofers, we looked out over the mirror smooth Bay of Firth, reflecting the last pink of dawn. 
Later  my beautiful wife headed to do hoss stuff, whilst I got on with clearing out the back of the van. The heavy rain when I was loading up after the last job meant a lot of stuff was just thrown in the back, which is never the best plan. With the van tidy and ready for work tomorrow, I did a bit of paperwork before lunch and a trip out to Wasdale with the dogs. The lack of wind meant it was much quieter than usual, apart from the honking of the geese and swans on the loch. The colours have definitely changed to a more wintry palette around the edges of the loch.

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