Waterfall (Day 931)

Hurrah for Saturday mornings and later starts! I wandered up the hill in daylight, just after an apocalyptically horrible hail shower. The shower of rain and cold wind didn't seem as bad in comparison.
Later on, I cleared out the van and did a minor repair on the plywood lining inside it, before heading to town to collect fuel for the boiler and a few bits and bobs.
After lunch, I took the dogs out to Wasdale, where we were really lucky to miss the rain and hail which swept along past us on the other side of the loch. I followed the dogs round the back of the big house and decided to have another go at photographing the little waterfall. I should probably take a tripod there sometime. This isn't too bad for a hand held shot whilst crouching in two inches of water.
I was back at home in time to watch a superb game of rugby between Scotland and Australia. A bit of stupid play by an Australian player meant a red card, but even so Scotland played really well. I look forward to the Six Nations...
This evening I am going out for dinner with my beautiful wife - the perfect ending to a good day :)

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