St Andrews
Today I set out in the wee small hours to assist the ‘Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee’ in a survey of the village to help put a Neighbourhood Plan into place.
Ok – ten o’clock is not really the wee small hours, but it is Sunday.
I took a series of photos to illustrate the application, but it was so dull none were that great. They will possibly do for the application, but I’ll possibly retake some of them with the sun in the right place when it’s decided which ones are needed.
There was however one photo I particularly liked, a slightly different view of the church, except I’d got half a war memorial in shot which looked odd and the sky was dull grey, but with a bit of cropping and TLC/PS it would make a blip. Then the sun came out so I went back to shoot it again. This time not a cloud in the sky and the sun in the wrong place even though shining, but that’s my blip for today. Having said all of that I has given me an idea for a village photo project – watch this space (but not too closely).
ps – I’ve put my first shot at extra.
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