These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Growing Babies!

Here they are, a picture of those two precious boys, growing very quickly! Kelly is about 24 weeks pregnant here, with twin boys! She got to have another ultrasound today. It was 3D and it's amazing the detail you can see on those precious little faces. So far, everyone is healthy and doing great. As a precaution, Kelly Jo is supposed to limit lifting Hannah, which is a real fun endeavor! Hannah seems to know it, and just wants to be held even more!

Today we enjoyed a Friday running errands and playing with cousin Hannah. We visited Papa in the pharmacy, played in the little ice cream truck outside of the grocery store, and had a trip to a special store for the kids to pick out a Valentine's Day treat. They all started with toys. Then, Mia wanted candy and by the end, every child got a piece of candy instead of a toy. It was a riot. I was very relieved when we finally exited the store.

Tyler got a hair cut today and I almost blipped a picture of it. Click here to check out his new do! He was a trooper, given it was a rather long cut because his hair was rather long. I was impressed I was able to convince him to do it. It looks much better! :)

The only other really exciting thing of the night was in preparing for dinner, I managed to set the wok on fire! yes, full blown flames! I was making a Thai dish, Paad Woon Sen for the first time and watched a demo online. It talked about getting your oil as hot as possible and the smoke was very normal. so, i just went about my business, getting my oil really hot. Well, it obviously got too hot and we had a major problem. Mia informed me all night long, "Mom, you had a real problem!" We had every fire alarm going off, smoke everywhere and we froze our tushies off eating dinner because all the doors and windows were open! My husband did not rub in my stupidity, for which I am very very thankful!

We are gearing up for a hockey game tomorrow as our Valentine's Day celebration. That, and the kids get to wake up to their bags of Valentine's hearts and home made Valentines. Should be a very fun day for everyone!

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