These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Dunk it Uncle Chris!

The highlight of today was heading to watch Uncle Chris play in a Staff vs. Student basketball game. He was Assistant Coach for the team this year and was very excited to play! Tyler was even more excited, however, at the prospect of actually watching Uncle Chris played. We went to the game, well stocked with lollipops and fruit snacks and survived well!

The Staff won, but it was a close game and the students lead a good part of it! This shot was actually taken after the game, when Uncle Chris was practicing his "dunk".

Go to Amateur Hour to see more about the basketball game!

Today was also marked with me, mom, having a problem with patience. I'm not sure I am currently in the right "Potty training" mood. It results in a real lack of patience when Missy sits on the pot for a 1/2 hour and then pees all over the floor one minute after stepping off. What is that about? I know it's normal, I know it happens, but my patience for it was null and void. Poor Mia. The day definitely improved and we did survive the majority of the day in the same pair of pants, but it was a trying morning.

I also had a few car incidents and Mr. Tyler did not hesitate to point them out. First, I was trying to back out of Aunt Kelly's driveway, which required trying to squeeze by a huge snow burm. Well, I didn't quite make it and ran smack into the burm. Tyler yells at me, "MOM!! You just ran into a huge pile of snow!" Thank you Mr. Man!

Next, while parking for the basketball game, I was trying to back up and there was a curb and a car behind me. Tyler was yelling, "Be careful Mom! You are going to hit that car! Stop Mom! You are too close!" Well, right about that time, I got too close to the curb and the curb caused us to stop abruptly. Tyler screams at me again, "MOM!! You just hit that car!" It was hilarious! He made sure to keep me well informed on my driving status.

He also managed to yell quite loudly at the basketball team when a play accidentally landed the ball on top of his water cup. He yelled at the player, "That is not okay!" what a crack up!

Josh had a good first practice with his junior high team. He's really looking forward to it. And, My sister scored over 100,000 on Word Challenge and I'm lucky to make it to 8000. That is depressing! TTFN!

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