
Both of the girls had friends over today. This one, A, has been a regular visitor since she was 3, so she knows the ropes and is pretty much at home here. She's a real character and a performer. Her and the Eldest spent their time dancing or making stuff with the brain box, in between stuffing their faces.

The Youngest had a new friend over. A new friend who needs to know that you use my name, not call me "Violet's Mum" and also to understand that she's fine to share the toys while she is here, but not to continually ask if she can keep them to take home. It wore thin after the 5th time. Hopefully she gets it soon, as it looks like the Youngest has taken her to her little heart.

Off to book club tonight. We read the Coroner's Lunch, which was OK, but a little bit like someone trying very hard to be Alexander McCall Smith (or whatever that chap who writes the Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency is called). There were split opinion amongst the group. My book club is quite diverse in age and experience. We have the religious right and the anarchic left represented. The local and the new to NZ. I always find it an interesting evening...I do have my favourite people, one of whom hosted last night. She had a VERY cool story to tell....

A while ago, she'd had a patient who came in wearing a Stranglers t shirt. She told him that they were her favourite band, and great to see someone with good taste in music. Over their sessions together, it came out that he actually knew the lead singer, had grown up with him and were still very good friends. Move on a few months, and she's no longer working with him. Earlier this week, she received two AMAZINGLY sited tickets to see the Stranglers and Blondie playing in Auckland last night. Her and her husband were just made up! So they went along, had a fabulous time, and while they were in their spot, they received an invite to go to the hotel after the gig. She got to have quiet and civilised drinks with both of the bands.

What an amazing experience for a fan! She was still buzzing when she told us about it.

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