Domestic evening

The eldest was feeling unwell yesterday afternoon, so I though he would need to keep away from nursery.  Then last night the husband started to feel unwell, and clearly wasn't going to make it into work today.  So they had the day at home.  I think most of it was spent on the sofa.  

The youngest didn't have the best morning at nursery, he bit two children.  I had a very interesting chat with the childminder this afternoon who has heard that children biting and kicking is a problem at the nursery.  I think we are going to have to look for somewhere else for the youngest as he clearly isn't happy.  Nothing ever straight forward... but thankful that  I can look around for different options. 

Spent the evening attacking the house with the bleach then cracking some more of the Christmas shopping.  My goal is to get it done before we move - 2 weeks! The husband helped keep me fueled with tea.  Thank you darling.  

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