Mono Monday : : Empty Bottles

There's no shortage of empty bottles around here, but most of them get recycled remarkably quickly after they are opened. This collection lives on the windowsill in the laundry room because I like the shapes of them. I had fun playing with the light and the arrangement of this selection.

It was nice to get back to a 'normal' routine with a Pilates class this morning, although I almost slept through it. At this time of year one can get used to the holiday schedules. I managed to get dressed, make the bed, make Ozzie his foamed milk  (he's not spoiled...) in the aeroccino and get to class in under an hour.

After class I had coffee with Bob and Larry, both lively characters. Larry, who groans loudly and breathes heavily through the class was further handicapped this morning by the fact that he had a cold. He was an English teacher at Montgomery High School here until he retired. Bob was a psychiatrist in San Francisco in the height of the Summer of Love in the Haight Ashbury and turned off and tuned in with Timothy Leary. He has some remarkable stories to tell. I've heard most of them more than once, but they're good company. 

OilMan joined us and reported that the next door neighbor's gardener was beginning his six hour session with his incredibly loud blower. 

By the time we got home we got home the blowing had finished early so the gardener could help with the landscaping at the house across the street. No sooner did that happen than the  quiet was rent by the beeping of the Bobcat at that project    Apologies if you don't know what a bobcat of the mechanical kind is. They look like they would be fun to drive. Trucks and other construction equipment here are required to be equipped with a very loud back up beeper. I liked the buses in Japan which had a lady in white gloves sitting in front. When the bus stopped to let us out, the lady would jump out, wave her arms and blow short blasts on a whistle while the bus backed up.

We've had a couple of beautiful crisp mornings followed by warm days, but the rain will be coming back tonight.  Seems like a good excuse to light the fire and open another bottle ....

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