The Latest Iteration

The search for the perfect vacuum goes on, even though, with each new iteration I begin to realize that there just is no such thing as 'perfect' when it comes to vacuum cleaners....

It's raining today, giving everybody time to finish up the leftovers, restock the larder and get ready for a 'normal' week, although I've come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as 'normal' either.... Will has gone back to school to take finals. I was supposed to take pictures of Peter but casual shots in the rain were not what either of us had in mind....Ah well, the rain has also given me a chance to match wits with Scout.

Scout here has backed himself into a corner. He will get himself out of it, but then he will decide that the rug isn't level enough, either that or he decides someone has been messing with his program and won't do anything. He is very determined, but there are rules. If I try to direct him, he sulks and won't go back to his base. If I leave him to his own devices he runs headlong for the nearest obstacle and keeps bashing into it until he figures out how to get himself turned around. This all takes time. That's ok unless the obstacle happens to be Ozzie. Ozzie is figuring out that the safest place to be is on the couch....I'm not, however, quite ready to leave them home alone together.

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