
By biddy

Wild day for weather!

I did not even take a blip photo yesterday, Tuesday, as the weather was so wretched. There was a biting cold wind when I set foot outside the front door that morning. 
I had a lift from a friend as we were going to our French Book Club. There were 6 of us sitting round a cosy open fire in the large room at another friend's home. 
After our discussion we managed to schedule the next two meetings and choose the next books. 
I was tired when I got home at lunchtime, and as the afternoon was dark wet and cold I didn't really do much at all. 
Today I had my once 8 weekly visit to the chiropractor who helped me to get me back on my feet and able to go for walks once more, after I damaged the muscles in my back, 3 years ago. Each time I take a long walk in the park or in the neighbourhood I am thankful for her skill and cheerfulness.
 It was heavy rain from time to time during today, and strong to gale force winds. The last of the remaining leaves were swirling in the gusts and flying in the air. 
 The ones which had already fallen previously, now a soggy sad sight along the pavements and in the gutters. 
 I have posted the picture of the drawing as it is by our front door on the wall. 
Each time someone comes in or leaves they pass it. 
     I drew it as a gift for my father when he was 70 years old in 1988 and had it framed. He had given me an old photo and asked me if I could possibly do a drawing. He used to live in one of the cottages in the picture, (the third from the right)  when he was very young, along with his parents, (my grandparents) and his sister. By the time his younger brother came along they had moved to a larger house. 
The mill is still there in Rawtenstall, Lancashire,  but now it contains offices and various franchises. The cottages were demolished years ago. 
So the drawing is now in our hall, being one of the things that I brought back here after I had completed the sale of his home for him, when he went into residential care. (He had then decided he would stay in the lovely care home having had 6 weeks respite care)
    This afternoon I began another small painting, so will 
aim to finish it by the weekend.
Then a friend of ours dropped by just before teatime, and stayed to chat, also having brought us two yummy angel cakes, one for each of us. He did not want one, (nor had he brought one) for himself. 
   The wind is still howling round outside, although bizarrely the temperatures today were above the seasonal average! 
  Time for a cuppa.       


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