Two Delights......
I could hear a little song as I quietly walked along, it appeared to be coming from the long grasses just in front of me. I stopped and approached ever so slowly, listening to the beautiful tune drifting by. There sitting amongst the tops of the taller grasses was this little Yellowhammer enjoying the morning sunlight against a soft pale blue sky, I could not help but listen and enjoy his little tune - such a delight!
Another delight was a visit from Mum, she had a bunch of beautiful sweetpeas from her garden for me - so thoughtful, thanks Mum. The colours are bright in shades of purples, violets, pinks and theres even one with white and soft pink together, they look lovely on our dining table with their sweet fragrance filling our house.
Its a little warmer today, the sun was bright but as I type its clouding over and I just might have to make a mad dash to the clothesline to get the washing in. A day of jobs and listening to Christmas music as I work away, Christmas is not far away now :)
Happy weekend to you all :)
Backblips start here :)
Edit: 10pm The lights are flickering and the wind is gusty with a strong nor west wind, it will be a warm 15C tonight and perhaps a lovely high of 28C tomorrow, no rain expected.
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