Christmas Shopping...

I hope it's OK to mention the "C" word now that it's less than a month to the Big Day!

We spent the (very wet) morning in the Palace of Holyrood House seeing how the other half lives. As it was still raining we then did a bit of Christmas shopping fruitlessly-trying-to-find-original-appropriate-presents: this gave me the opportunity to get this blip shot inside the famous *Jenners Department store on Princes Street.

Later on the rain actually stopped so the extra is a photo of the vertiginous-looking swing-seat ride by the Christmas Market; I took 9 shots on rapid fire than layered them in Photoshop to produce the movement blur.

We're off shortly to a piano recital which sounds fun - it's by Worbey and Farrell who we've never seen before but it looks from their website that they have fun as well as playing! (See also Youtube here and here)

(*Other department stores are available.)

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