What an evening!!!!

The trip to London started with me calling the ‘fridge engineer to arrange an appointment for a visit to repair our fridge freezer ...again!! Last night it kept tripping the fuse for the socket circuit in the house. A mad panic to redistribute the frozen food so as not to lose it!!! It could have happened whilst we were away, so sort of a blessing. I had to make the call whilst waiting at the station for the train.

Safely settled in the Union Jack Club close to Waterloo, we are on the 19th floor. The weather is wet and windy so we didn’t venture out but enjoyed the superb views (extras)

R joined us, as we were attending a dinner at Mansion House. It was the Royal Charter Banquet for the Worshipful Company of Educators. R & B are Liverymen, I attend as B’s guest. These are very prestigious events and the surroundings are amazing. It takes your breath away and makes you feel as though you are in a dream and will wake up in a moment!!!

There are strict rules on the use of mobile phones and taking photographs during dinner (I’m pleased to say), so this picture of R & B was taken at the reception before dinner.

It is always interesting to see who your dinner companions are. Normally strangers (we don’t know many company members) who are very sociable. The gentleman sitting across the table from me was a 40 something German mathematician, fascinating! Not someone I would normally share social circles with!!!

A great evening, good food, wine, company and setting. A fun time as a family.

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