
By bananablip

Goodbye one of the Ellies!

Today was Ellie S’s last day with Shrewsbury Youth for Christ, so Ellie H can now celebrate that she won’t always be referred to as ‘the other Ellie’. It’s been a bit strange really. Most other people have left at the end of the school year in July, so we’ve always been able to say a proper Thank You and Goodbye at the AGM. Ellie’s farewell has been low key, but it think that’s suited her just fine. After the traditional hand printing ceremony we went for excessive amounts of pizza and now I’m so tired and so full that I basically can not and will not move.

One year ago today was my last night at 66b Wyle Cop. What a year it’s been! I remember asking myself lots of questions about whether I was doing the right thing, that night. So grateful I did.

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