This is definitely not the blip I had in mind for the first day of December, but it was one I enjoyed taking (and it helped me procrastinate putting up the tree!). I was going to take a photo of our neighbour's light display but as it is pouring rain out now this will have to do.
The feeders were buzzing with activity today and I went out twice to fill them. Chickadees, sparrows, Juncos, Red-Breasted Nuthatches (2), a White-Breasted Nuthatch, and a lovely pair of Cardinals. The male is turning red again but at the moment, his body looks more like a female and only his head is a bright red.
He was hilarious today. This bush is beside my front window and he would watch me, then make a quick flit over to the feeder to grab one seed before flying back to eat it. Repeat again and again. The female simply flew to the feeder, sat and ate happily : ))
So December has arrived with a whisper...
May you all have a peaceful Sunday...
D x
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