Happy December
Not the day I was expecting...nor the blip. I was expecting to wake up to the beginning of a snowstorm but there was nada in the air - nada flake, nada storm. Was going to head out regardless when I heard a noise - freezing rain! Normally, if we are expecting freezing rain, the city treats the roads so.....I thought with untreated roads, it was simply not worth the trip out.
Instead, I took advantage and played a bit with lights. The cactus blooms were shot with light coming through the icy windows (see extra), little lights a distance behind the bloom (to give a bokeh effect) and I held up some lights to shoot through. A very different look and one that I may use when I shoot a newborn in a few weeks. Something fun to do anyway : )
Well, here's to a month that is peaceful, filled with laughter, beauty and lots of love. Why wait till New Year's to make those wishes? ;)
D x
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