
I don't get ill very often and when I do, it often just manifests itself in tiredness and, sometimes, feeling a bit low. Sometimes I don't even realise I'm ill until the very end when I might have a day of blowing my nose. Today, though, I had that horrible ill taste at the back of my throat and felt kind of achey around my sinuses. It would have been a good day for buying some Strepsils and some Lemsip, and maybe working from home. 

As it was, the Minx and I were off to Leicester, today, for a presentation, which went really well. And there was a 'decision maker' in the room, which helps enormously. So, we left feeling very positive, if also, speaking for myself, a bit crap.

It wasn't that late when we got back but neither of us felt much like cooking, so we decided to get a takeaway, which involved a bit of driving around as a lot of them are closed on a Monday. But happily we found one and then I was ready to bed. I wish I didn't have to go to London, tomorrow :-/ 

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Reading: "Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant" by Anne Tyler.

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