
I felt a bit better but still grotty, today, and nowhere near bad enough to cancel the meeting on London, which I didn't want to do anyway as it was with a potential client. And any optimistic thoughts that I might be over the worst were dispelled as I walked to the station; I had to find a shop that was open to buy some tissues.

But the journey down was fine and, actually, I think I prefer my own company when I'm feeling poorly. I mean, you can feel sorry for yourself if you want to without feeling the need to justify it in any way. I settled myself in at the Exmouth Arms, had a coffee and a bite to eat, and waited for the lady I was meeting...

...who turned out to be charming and interesting, and we had a good ninety minutes chatting and getting to know one another and our respective businesses before she had to set off for another meeting and I headed back to Euston and up to Manchester via Warrington, for tonight the Minx and I were off to see Christine and the Queens at the Apollo. 

The Minx is a huge fan and I can see why. Chris is an amazing performer; great singing, dancing, and a complete charmer, chatting between the songs. For myself, I'm not such a huge fan, and I only really enjoyed the songs I knew. I think maybe there's not enough in the music for me but that certainly didn't appear to detract from anyone else's enjoyment. 

The penultimate song was performed from the balcony and then she came down into the crowd for the final number, which, obviously, drove the crowd wild.

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Reading: "Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant" by Anne Tyler.

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