
By bananablip

The lovely Fi

So grateful to be at my church this morning after what feels like weeks of doing presentations in other churches. There was a Christening on today though which meant singing 'All Things Bright and Beautiful', something that surely only ever happens in school assemblies and Christenings? Also, there are about 100 more verses than I remember at school.

After church I legged it down to St Georges Church to take some headshots for their new website which I've been helping with, having taken some pictures in the summer. This is the lovely Fi who is a curate at St Georges as well as being an SYFC Trustee and generally good egg. 

I was also with Fi this evening at our first ever 'Youth Gathering' event, hosted by us and Soul Purpose. It was huge amounts of fun, messiness and laughter although last nights party was definitely catching up with me. Picked up Abi at the Youth Gathering, fresh from her first semester at All Nations college. Thankfully, we'll have the whole week to catch up because we were all too comatose to talk this evening.

Oh, and the Christmas tree went up. Rejoice!

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