Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

December Sunset

Hello Blippers! Hope your all well!

It was a very cold, icy day today. After the snow last night, I woke to a street (and most of Mayfield) absolutely covered in ice. That didn't stop me and Craig going walking! We were all wrapped up; gloves, scarves, several layers of jackets and socks, and wellies! We seen if any of his friends were in, and eventually he went into one of his friends houses, which is very unlike him to do!

Later on in the day, I decided to go down to the shops to get some juice. I wore my trainers instead of my wellies. Big mistake. It was like one massive ice rink. It's basically all downhill from my house, with a few flat bits (Like here) in between. I really should have worn wellies, because my trainers didn't have any grip on the ice at all. I got down so far, then I had to go to my papas house, as it was to icy to walk back uphill. I had to call my mum and dad and tell them I was stuck,, and get my dad to pick me up. I think everybody had a good laugh at me.

Oh, and happy December! Where has the year gone!?

Have a nice Sunday!

Steven :)

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