Gitama's World

By Gitama

Up On The Hill

Its been a big day today.
Jaiya went in for day surgery (it started off as a bit of a worry....but luckily  we found out that there isn't anything too nefarious to get ones knickers in a twist about....phew!) so its been a day of dropping off picking up and generally taking care....well its been all week really...but...just happy the girl is good.
I did manage to eke out a little time for myself and Beetle though...we went to the park and I decided to finally tackle the hill Ive been meaning to for a while now (not far from our house). I'm glad I did...the views were great and I loved this Mango tree with all its red foliage down one stood looking down into the valley and off into the distance...however the fruit looked a bit worse for wear though.

My friend rang me and told me that she had purloined a couple of Peonies from the flower markets this morning....I'm really too tired to take any pics of them fact I think I need a cuppa and put my feet up.

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