Coming, going and staying.

Arriving, the good ship Tina.
Departing, the good ship Grete Sibum.
(Both container ships visiting Grangemouth port)
Staying, James, albeit just for an hour or so.
The back story: This afternoon we went off to Culross for a walk with Chloe. This is where I saw the two ships but was just a few minutes too late to catch them passing in the channel.
On our way home, my phone rang. MaggieD answered, a legal requirement as I was driving, and it was James asking if he could come over for a visit. As we were only five minutes from Chez James, we did a quick re-route and picked him up. He had a great time playing waiter, serving us with tea in plastic cups, plastic toast and slices of cake (wooden) until Mum Fiona arrived. All in all, a good afternoon.

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