Lyde (Day 1311)

The plan for today was to get a bit more of the prep work and painting done in our sitting room, so after woofer wandering I settled down to contemplate things over coffee.
Once my beautiful wife returned from work, we set about taking a couple of doors off. It was a job hindered by countless layers of paint over the screw heads, but we managed eventually and stopped for coffee then lunch.
We took the dogs off for a wander at Lyde, where the stiff breeze was quite chilly.
At home later, I did a bit of paint stripping, hole filling and sanding. 
After dinner, as HV trundled off to do hoss stuff, I set about putting a top coat on the woodwork I have spent ages prepping and undercoating. It is good to see a bit of colour in the room at long last. More painting tomorrow I suspect.

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