You might recognize looney Laurie and marvelous Mom. I’v made a practice of taking our picture each year when the Italian Catholic Federation has their Christmas party brunch at the casino buffet. I’m terrible at taking selfies because my eyes make me look high. Vinnie, who was sitting across the table suggested I look at her. So the 2018 version has us looking in two different directions.
Weird things always seem to weave through my life. In this case, it was the smoke detector in my bedroom at 1:38 this morning that let me know every 60 seconds that it would like a new battery. It sounds like a hawk being whacked by a condor. Simple solution, right? Nope. Even if I had a 9-volt battery, my biggest fear (well-earned) is falling and biggest phobia: heights - are those the same thing? I will be sleeping on the sofa in the living room until the God-awful screech every 60 seconds ends. Cue the firemen!!
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