A long day

Got to Arnold Clark as they opened, in order to collect car and drive down to Telford to attend Bill Caddick's funeral. The crematorium was filled to overflowing. Bill's son Christy spoke very beautifully and honestly about his dad and we all sang Bill's song "John O'Dreams".

When midnight sings good people homeward tread
Seek now your blankets and your feather bed
Home is the rover, his journey over
Yield up the nighttime to old John O'Dreams.

Greeted the family and lots of old friends outside the crem. Then, following our local friend Damian in convoy, we set off for the wake. Unfortunately D took a wrong turning so we stopped to confer over the map, and when he went to turn round across a busy road (raining of course, and dark by then), he drove into the path of another car. Fairly low speed impact and no one hurt, but both cars had to be left for recovery and we spent about an hour-and-a-half in a muddy layby talking to the Shropshire police (who were a remarkably civilised bunch).

So we never got to the wake. We drove D straight home where his lovely missus S made us a nice meal and we drank rather a lot of wine before retiring to bed. No chance of a photo from the wake, so here are some candles that S put out on the dinner table.

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