A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

The zen of cat

I know you've seen Lea many times already. But here's what you need to know: a year ago, I had no idea if Lea would see 2012. It was actually getting more and more evident that I would have to make a decision regarding her welfare, as her anxieties and behavioural issues where more and more problematic. And then, a few months ago, I discovered a magical thing: it's a collar, full of pheromones. It lasts about a month, and while she has it, she's almost a normal cat: still crazy, still a bit anxious, nothing much we can do about that, she is how she is, but behaving really well. When the collar needs to be changed, she looks more like this. She's anxious, is spooked at the littlest noise, and is hard to care for, since she's good at attacking. Today, we changed her collar. Within a few hours, she was lounging very relaxed on the sofa.

So she'd like to come out and say it: My name is Lea, and I'm a drug addict.

ps: the collar is natural, whereas we had been considering the use of antidepressants for my Lea...

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