Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

An All Christmassy Teviot Row

Spend part of the morning clearing up the rest of the leaves from around the shed. A bit mucky, but its got to be done. Afterwards, I put the winter wheels on the road bike. Wider tyres are better on the ice as they can be run at lower pressures.

In the afternoon, it's down to Newington to visit the charity shops, and hopefully get twin 2 a christmas jumper. There's not much of a selection in most of them. We walk to Forrest Rd and check the two charity shops there (BTW there wasn't much else on offer) On the way, I get my blip of Teviot Row in Christmas get up. We find a relatively good one in one of the shops there, quite expensive for a charity shop though. So twin 2 will be expected to wear on Christmas Day.

In the evening, after Strictly, I catch up with the Bridge, then Doctor Who. Also look through today's photos, which are a bit meh. (Back Blipped as I couldn't makeup my mind which photo to blip)

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