2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

One for the road

We have been up to Mum and Dad's today for lunch in the village pub. And very nice it was too. The pub has recently been taken over and the new landlords have gutted the place and made a whole host of improvements. I hope they do well and the pub once again becomes the hub of the village.

In case you hadn't realised I love silly jokes, so when my Sister got this for my birthday the other day we both laughed out loud :)

The message inside simply says "with love from all of us"

In terms of sustainability this is a good move. By not saying who the card is to, if can be recycled again and again!

I received the card while we were at Mum and Dad's so postage saved too!

And on my birthday she took a photo of the card and posted it on my Facebook page!

Is this the future? Visiting card shops, taking a photo of the card and posting it on Facebook???? No, perhaps not. There must be laws to prevent it :)

Have a great week

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