
A fitting statue for today in so many ways and right that it should be in Liverpool the greatest footballing city in the world.                                          Europe has always been a problem and we are so lucky to have the English Channel that separates us but today it is tearing our country apart internally.Who knows what the outcome will be.I voted to remain but perhaps it would be best if we just walk away but could we trust them not to start killing each other again.

A very busy day on the nursery.Chimneys finally officially condemned but we have had them all cleaned and pepper pots put in the pots until we can have the repairs made next year and start using them again.We have central heating but it struggles with the size of the house.
Garden trees have been cut down and all the shrubs tidied up which has taken the two tree surgeons all day.Nice to have a catch up with Aled again.
New garden fencing all finished and Vinny has put up the power supply cables.We are still pushing to have everything done by Christmas but I don't think we will.
Filled the irrigation system up this morning after a few repairs on the underground pipe work and valves.

Overcast and cold.

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