Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


There is nothing that gets a Tufted Titmouse in the mood for the holidays like a big dish of squirmy meal worms.  The minute I put the blue dish out, the titmice started excitedly calling to each other.  And before you know it, they'd burst into Christmas carols!  Hey, would I kid about a thing like that?  

Another cold day so I took myself off to the gym for some cardio and weights and a little stretching this morning.  Then a little time crouched out in the yard stalking photo subjects.  

I'm doing a lot of year-end organizing of my photo files, making sure I've got redundant back ups of everything.  I am usually very diligent about tagging everything when I download, thank goodness.  I recently had someone contact me about using some of my photos in an upcoming publication about feeding birds and, luckily, I was able to find the exact photos they needed in my archives ...thanks to good tagging.  My challenge now is that I have images on several external drives so my searches can sometimes take a little time.  Oh well.  

Thirteen days and I still haven't even purchased holiday cards.,  Well, I guess it will be New Year's cards again this year.  Or Valentine's cards.  Or spring equinox.  


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