A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

St Elphin's Church, Warrington

St Elphin's - brief history

St Elphins is the big church in Warrington. On our way back from Games Workshop this afternoon, we stopped to take some pictures. We're hoping that the scaffolding is because of restoration work on the spire. The photo does no justice to the sheer scale of the church spire - in order to fit in in the frame with the church building, we had to walk about 250 metres back into the field alongside the church! It is the 3rd tallest church spire in England...and when its not scaffolded, its even more impressive.

The other photos ....look for the ladder running all the way up the spire!

Birthday yesterday was a bit of a washout - I just wasn't fit for anything, am still not if I'm honest. But its only a cold when all's said and done, so need to just get on with it.

Am backing up my computer onto new external hard-drive...reckons 20 hours at the moment (not bad - it started at 2days and 16 hours!).

Tattoo tomorrow, then off to see a friend. Then the rest of the week is marking coursework, writing reports and getting paperwork up to date that mounted up last half term. Oh, and getting ready for Corin's birthday on Friday.

Thank you to everyone for birthday wishes - much appreciated.

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