Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Cancer Remembrance Bike

A nice Sunday morning ride. A bit cold, but not icy. I head south through Bush to Penicuik, and then up on to the Moor road. It is icy at the side of the road. On the Moor Rd, I get Extra 1At the top, going through Deepsyke Forest,the road surface is more icy, and the bike fishtails a little bit, so I take it easy. The descent to West Linton is fine though, so I can speed up again.

From West Linton, I cycle to Romannobridge, then to the A72, and to Lyne, before starting to head back to Eddleston. This passes through the Meldon Hills, and Extra 2 shows the view looking back (south). I carry on to Eddleston to the A703, then up the switchbacks on the Falla Toll road.  There must be a breeze, as I feel pushed toward Gladhouse and the Top Gear road. I head home over Mount Lothian, down the B road to Auchendinny and Seafield Moor Road to Hillend.

The whole ride can be seen at Relive here. The ride means I have cycled over 10,000km this year.

In the afternoon, I pop down to Morningside to do some Christmas shopping. I decide to visit the small shops and charity shops that are open.

I then go get a coffee and a bite to eat, before walking back to Morningside to get something for me and the boys for tea. On the way, I get my blip, a remembrance bike outside the King's Theatre. This one s dedicated to young people who have died due to cancer. this doesn't represent just one child, but several. There are notes about each child zip-tied to the bike.

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