Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

To the bone..

After such a beautiful day yesterday, today, by contrast is of the chillingly cold damp ilk. With my neck screwed down into my shoulders and gloves heated up by the cars blower, I peddled like a maniac through the deserted streets of Cambridge. Christmas lights twinkled upon the wet cobble stones, dancing around in puddles and making a kaleidoscope of a dark scene.

The normal zombies were out as usual, almost invisible to the world in their black clothing and no cycle lights, down one way streets the wrong way and all the typically stupid things they do.

The bold and the brave still cycling in these dark days...need...rather than pleasure.

I'm off to visit a friend tonight for a Christmas catchup....then back home and some frantic wrapping to get ready to post tomorrow...not looking forward to the que in the post office but I shall whistle a Christmas tune in my head to keep 'The Grumps' at bay!

Stay warm folks and keep an eye out for those zombies..

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