Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

A little time to breath

The floor is now covered in glitter.....and you know something.....I like it! Wrapping presents and painting cards, listening to xmas carols, loosing track of time. I looked at my watch and "oh Crap!", quick, I have to be at the tattooists in 45 mins and I have to get these presents posted as well....

The que in the post office was ENORMOUS......whistle a happy tune....and as if by magic.....TaDah! all gone and I even had time to get a coffee.

Sitting in the chair getting some ink is a great process, not for everyone I know, I love it. I design all my ink work and it is a very private spiritual thing for me, tattooist...likes the thought that goes into each one and he loves to hear my thinking on it all....must make a change from getting Daffy Duck tattooed on your arse! was getting dark as I left, panic was setting in over a Blip. The sky was looking lovely and I darted into the Cathedral Grounds....a place for some contemplation....a place for quiet times.....a place to stop.....breath in and out for a while.

I intend to get back to the card making....but for a while I had nothing on my mind.

I like that.

Darkness fell...

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