
We have spent this morning loading pallets.Even though the JCB hinges in the middle it still struggled on the barn yard to turn around.So we used our little electric truck.Despite it being early on Sunday morning we had a lot of traffic to contend with some were considerate but nine out of ten were the arseholes that all the public are.Still better than doing it on a week day when they are on the school run in huge 4x4's dropping their spawn off.

An afternoon of tidying around the yard which didn't go to plan when I hit a tunnel door with the forklift.Took me half an hour and a few "Oh dear me" to get it fixed.

Becky called in to pick up some of the stuff she has had stored.Asked John to give me a quote to concrete our back yard.

Weather has been better today.Mild,no wind and a few sunny spells.

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