'I hate dog walking in the rain'

....................That's what Ann said to both of us this afternoon.

First thing this morning the weather was lovely and after our 40 min walk Ann said that she had to go out but she would take us to 'Gwithian' this afternoon for a long walk. 'Gwithian' is great; there's 3 miles of golden sands so we were really excited thinking we were going to be out all afternoon.

Unfortunately, when Ann came home at lunchtime it was raining and it still hasn't stopped. Eventually she said she would take us to 'Carbis Bay' (because we can park the car right next to the beach). She said an hour's constant running would equal a three hour walk at 'Gwithian'?!!

Well, maybe it would if I'd had something to run after?? ............................ I am soooooo thinking of dumping Ozzy, my 'not so wonderful' golden retriever boyfriend.

Ann gave Ozzy a little pep talk before we went to the beach. She said we were going to the beach to run, she said we were going to play at chasing my ball and she said that Ozzy was very welcome to join in but we were also going to play at jumping to catch the ball and if the ball didn't bounce there wasn't much point in jumping?!

Ann was trying 'positive reinforcement' with Ozzy. She thought if she told him all the nice things he could do with a ball he might not chew it up??!! Well how stupid is that? Ozzy doesn't understand a word Ann says to him so as soon as he got the ball he just chewed it up. So then it wouldn't bounce properly and eventually he chewed all of it up so now I haven't even got a weeny, teeny bit of bouncy ball left.

Honestly, there's a limit to what one will put up with from a boyfriend. Ozzy is very, very handsome but there's more to life than good looks! If he can't support me in my favourite game then do you think he is the doggie for me?!!!

.............................I've now added new bouncy balls to my Christmas wish list!

PS - Ann says she hates dog walks in the rain. The car smells of wet dog, the house smells of wet dog and Ann can't see her 'waterproofs' drying in time for the next dog walk. How we wish we had some nice crisp snow?!!

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