Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Day 3: something you held

I also held the prospectus for a potential new school for E today but I was too scared to blip it in case I let the cat out of the bag before she got a place. It's a middle school that have lots of art, music, drama, technology, craft and sport facilities alongside the usual curriculum. The school she is at currently has a very good reputation but it quite focused on teaching targets in maths and literature. Neither are E's strongest areas and there isn't much else there for her to get her teeth stuck into and lose herself in. Her confidence in her ability is quite low at the moment and I want her school days to be happy and fulfilling. I'm hoping we may have found the answer in this other school. Very polite confident students who showed us around too. Going to take E to see it on Wednesday to see what she thinks.

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